PT. CATUR PRIMA TEHNIK is a limited liability
company that is engaged in General Trading,
Engineering, Procurement, Contractor and Services
is located at Puri Madani II Blok D4 No.3, Pondok Cabe
Ilir – Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418,Tel. 62-21
7491938, Fax. 62-21 7491938. Founded at Tangerang
Selatan 2012 in accordance with applicable
regulations in the Republic Indonesia on the basis of
a notary deed Haironi Azizah, SH., M.Kn. in Tangerang
Being a reliable partner of choice in the main business fields of engineering,
mechanical, electrical and instrument that emphasizes on sustainable growth
with an increase of competence through human resource development,
satisfaction customers and efficiency in all areas. And being a large company in
the field of services, trade, engineering, procurement and construction are
known in the national scale.
Provide benefit and value to its customers and stakeholders. Providing a
safe working environment, welfare and provide the opportunity to grow
professionally and sustainable for business activities employees. Running a
business that is responsible and environmentally friendly sound.
Developing cooperation / partnership business in a professional manner
with bodies, institutions / agencies, relevant institutions, to play a role in
national program.
Active role running the business by supporting the government’s program
to improve the nation’s economy.
Participate in creating jobs and contributing to building a culture of quality
and professional work.
Entering the competition is increasingly
competitive business world, the Company
considers it necessary to have a good vision
and mission, prospective, directional and can
be achieved in development in the field of
engineering, mechanical, electrical and
instrument more effective, efficient and
scalable for development in the future.